Student Profile
The profile corresponds to the behaviors and desired qualities and ideals that
the School proposes, that the student must achieve and demonstrate at the Institution,
in their personal, family, social and work.
1. SPIRITUAL: Will be willing to manifest in all circumstances
or rather, integrity and loyalty to God's principles.
2. INTELLECTUAL: Develop the educational process with high levels of
academic quality and accountability, taking in knowledge as
a tool for efficient service through study and research.
3. WORKER: Consider the work as something dignified
4. HELPFUL: You'll be able to take in the life project
service to God and their fellow man.
5. CREATIVE: Develop common sense, personal initiative and ingenuity
for further growth and efficiency.
6. CIVIC SPIRIT: will value their own cultural heritage and profess
allegiance to the nation accepting his responsibility as a Colombian citizen.
7. ETHICAL AND MORAL: Present a positive image of the College, in
and beyond, through responsible behavior and in harmony
with institutional philosophy.
8. AESTHETIC: Develop the good taste and the ability to appreciate and
admire the expression of fine art, good literature and culture
9. SOCIAL: Encourage an atmosphere of friendliness and peaceful coexistence
inside and outside the educational community.
10. HUMAN AND CHRISTIAN: It is manifest in every moment of your life
as a person who has internalized values and demonstrating
to people in need, and generally defenseless animals all
beings in their environment, regardless of ethnicity or social status, a high
human and Christian profile, because we want our students
are good people and to contribute to their community values.
11. ENTREPRENEUR: will be displayed as a person with academic training
business and promoting productive development pequeñasmedianas
and large companies.
12. CRITICAL AND REFLECTIVE: as an individual will display Complete with
spirit and innovative strength