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1 | Nos vemos luego | See you later | si iu leirer |
2 | Cuidate | Take care | teik qer |
3 | Encantado de conocerte | Nice to meet you | naice tu mit iu |
4 | Levanta tu mano derecha | Raise your Right hand | reis iur rait jand |
5 | Levanta tu mano izquierda | Raise your Left hand | reis iur left jand |
6 | Como se escribe eso? | How do you spell that? | jau du iu espel dad |
7 | Que hora es? | What time is it? | uat taim isit |
8 | Nos vemos mañana | See you tomorrow | si iu tumorrou |
9 | Puedo sacarle punta al lapiz? | Can I Sharpen my pencil? | can i sharpen mai pensol |
10 | Volteate | Turn around | turn araun |
11 | Dime | Tell me | tellmi |
12 | No uses malas palabras | Don´t use bad words | dont ius bad uords |
13 | Respeta a tu compañero | Respect your partner | rispect iur parner |
14 | Necesito un voluntario | I need a volunteer | ai ned a voluntier |
15 | No te duermas | Don´t sleep | dont slip |
16 | Es mi turno | It´s my turn | its mai turn |
17 | No te preocupes | Don´t worry | dont wuorri |
18 | No puedes hacer eso | You can´t do that | iu cant du dad |
19 | Puedo ayudarte con eso | I can help you with that | ai can jelpiu uid dad |
20 | Solo hablamos ingles | We only speak in english | ui onli espik in inglish |
(abrir este archivo) SPEACH LAB OCTOBER.docx (171903)
We want to inform you that every month we will work in a listening CD 4 times a day the CD contains, commands of the month dialogues, songs, vocabulary, games, rounds and other didactics to facilitate the acquisition of the second language these are the activities that we´re going practiced this month