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1 Nos vemos luego See you later si iu leirer
2 Cuidate Take care  teik qer
3 Encantado de conocerte Nice to meet you naice tu mit iu
4 Levanta tu mano derecha Raise your Right hand reis iur rait jand
5 Levanta tu mano izquierda Raise your Left hand reis iur left jand
6 Como se escribe eso? How do you spell that? jau du iu espel dad
7 Que hora es? What time is it? uat taim isit
8 Nos vemos mañana See you tomorrow si iu tumorrou
9 Puedo sacarle punta al lapiz? Can I Sharpen my pencil? can i  sharpen mai pensol
10 Volteate Turn around turn araun
11 Dime Tell me tellmi
12 No uses malas palabras Don´t use bad words dont ius bad uords
13 Respeta a tu compañero Respect your partner rispect iur parner
14 Necesito un voluntario I need a volunteer ai ned a voluntier
15 No te duermas Don´t sleep dont slip
16 Es mi turno It´s my turn its mai turn
17 No te preocupes Don´t worry dont wuorri
18 No puedes hacer eso You can´t do that iu cant du dad
19 Puedo ayudarte con eso I can help you with that ai can jelpiu uid dad
20 Solo hablamos ingles We only speak in english ui onli espik in inglish



(abrir este archivo) SPEACH LAB OCTOBER.docx (171903) 


We want to inform you that every month we will work in a listening CD 4 times a day the CD contains, commands of the month dialogues, songs, vocabulary, games, rounds and other didactics to facilitate the acquisition of the second language these are the activities that we´re going  practiced this month